共為你找到:41筆used mahindra jeep 相關企業資訊
1987 Cooperated the Gasket Injection fitting Mold with PARACON of Austria. 1988 Set up the CAD/CAM/CAE system for Design. Cooperated the Window Frame Extrusion Die with Acture of Austria. 1994 Implemented the 3D solid parameter CAD/CAM system PRO-E,I-DEAS. 1997 Promoted the mold and extrusive facilitis to the Market with a turn key service. Settled the Agent(Chau-Zur Technology co.,Ltd) with Sale Business. 2001 IC packing and testing parts and IC packaging mold were developed successfully. 2002 TFT-LCD’S LGP molds were developed successfully. 2003 Traverse Guide were developed successfully. 2004 Separate from Jan Chern Enterprise Co., LTD. Engaged in spin parts and extrusion/injection molds. 2005 In the first half year, rollers were developed which is used in LCD cell panel and polarizer. 2005 In the second half, developed vacuum pads and owned a number of patents. 2006 Improved some equipments such as tapeness facilities in the second half year. 2007 Into the manufacturing of screw and barrel and selling extruder machines. 2008 Imported the equipment of plastic crushing and reduction, as an agent of Zerma Machinery Recycling Technology (Germany). 2009 Imported the equipment of rubber tire crushing and reduction from Zerma.
Pencom’s “Manufactured globally, supplied locally” philosophy provides customers with low cost global manufacturing, while still offering localized inventory and technical support. Founded in 1982 by William A. Gardiner, Pencom has been awarded preferred supplier status by many of the worlds largest OEM’s and contract manufacturers. The company employs more than 400 people globally and has approximately 145,000 square feet of manufacturing space at its various locations. ISO certified, Pencom is committed to supplying our customers with quality parts on time. This philosophy transverses the entire Pencom staff from senior management to shipping. Full-service capabilities in design, engineering and manufacturing, with an innovative ability to supply low-tech components with a high-tech inventory system, sets Pencom apart from its competition. The company offers precision machining, turning, milling, screw machining and stamping for prototypes and high volume production. These processes are used to manufacture captive screws, inserts, latches, spacers, self-clinching nuts and other mechanical hardware, including ejectors and handles. It also produces electro-mechanical components, such as switches and connectors, and thermal management components, such as custom heat sinks, heat pipes and ducting. With an eye towards the future, Pencom’s “Visible Inventory” System, provides customers with the opportunity to view their inventory in “real time,” eliminating the use of manual counting or bar coding.
Pulse, a Technitrol (NYSE: TNL) Company, is a worldwide leader in electronic component and subassembly design and manufacturing. Pulses wide array of power and signal products are used in computing, networking and communications, power conversion, defense, aerospace, automotive, and consumer electronics. With state-of-the-art custom designs and catalog products, Pulse is a complete source for electronic OEMs, contract manufacturers, and ODMs. Pulse is a participating member of IEEE, ATIS, ETSI, HDMI, the DSL Forum, CommNexus, and MoCA. 新加坡商普思電子有限公司台灣分公司於1999年成立,主要業務為代理新加坡之母公司銷售產品.本公司隸屬於美商Technitrol集團下之Pulse集團,其子公司遍及全世界,是一家高道德之公司,遵照政府法令及相關政策來經營.Technitrol全球員工背景多樣。我們尊重這種差異,並爲世界各地每位Technitrol員工之積極工作而喝采。 經營運作和員工多樣化是公司的發展基石。無論處在何地,我們都是一個全球性的本地公司。
!感謝媒體熱情採訪! 元大汽車~海線SAVE旗艦店 ~ ~!海線最大批發盤商!~千坪美式展示場,百輛車在庫讓您迅速找到心目中理想車! !首創0頭款0利率 低月付 購車專案讓您輕鬆購無負擔! ~不虛報年份!不謊報有車!不隱瞞車況!~ ~免訂金.免頭款.免保人.!~!全車系促銷專案實施中!~
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◎公司簡介 本公司成立於民國76年,董事長為前省議員陳照郎先生,股東均為地方士紳,為在地人經營的公司,在三重、蘆洲、新莊一帶因服務良好頗富形象,為SUBARU車系授權經銷商,更是公路局委託代檢廠,擁有三條檢驗線,提供車輛銷售、保修、代檢、保險等多功能全方位服務。 ◎公司沿革 民國76年:三鈴汽車股份有限公司成立。 民國77年:政府核定為甲級汽車修護廠。 民國78年:交通部核定為公路局委託汽車檢驗廠,SEAT汽車服務廠。 民國80年:雙B平行輸入汽車銷售服務。 民國81年:SEAT西雅汽車經銷服務。 民國83年:克萊斯勒經銷服務,監理所核定增設第二條檢驗線。 民國86年:成立克萊斯勒JEEP專賣門市部,公路局核定增設第三條檢驗線。民國89年:SUBARU大慶汽車經銷服務。 民國90年:加入通用GM OPEL經銷服務,檢驗廠通過ISO 9001 認證。 民國91年:日本原裝富士重工速霸陸汽車經銷服務。 民國92年:經政府核定為環保署指定廢氣檢測服務廠。 民國95年 : 日本原裝大發DAIHATSU汽車經銷服務 ◎競爭立基 1、三鈴汽車為永續經營的全功能汽車公司-新車銷售、車輛檢驗、保養維修、車險理賠、保險規劃等多功能服務項目,節省客戶不必要的時間及金錢的浪費。 2、三鈴員工向心力強,有活力、年資久、流動低;求新求變、引進新知、重視在職訓練;期以最高的專業品質,服務最尊貴的客戶,達到最高的客戶滿意。 3、原廠軟硬體支援,提供維修代步車,預約保養車牽送,整體經營,讓部門分工、處處以客戶為出發點。 ◎未來遠景 隨著服務經驗的累積,專業能力的增長,產品的日漸多樣化,我們許下成為「全功能服務廠」領導商的願景,並且依計劃逐步達成目標。我們秉持誠信、正直的原則,透過全體同仁團隊合作、創新思考的不斷改善,共創一個讓同仁盡情發揮、自我實現,與企業一起成長,共享成果的企業體系。成功的企業源自於顧客的信賴,我們將以最極積的態度、最熱忱的服務,最高的品質及最迅速的效率,贏得顧客的安心與信賴,實踐顧客最高的滿意程度。
Since founded in 1991 , Angus Glass strive to be Asia’s largest glass gift and furniture manufacturer. This is achieved through careful monitoring of the market trend and consistent expansion of our production possibilities. We possess advanced glass processing equipment from both Europe and USA. Materials used in production consist primarily of glass while blending in acrylic, aluminum, stainless steel, ceramic, and much more materials. We are always researching and developing new and innovative deisngs to meet the needs of our clients.
優百科國際有限公司成立於1998年10月主要是以銷售幼兒、兒童、國中英語為主之專業書店;目前已為上百家國小、幼稚園、兒童英語補習班、安親班提供國內外兒童英語教材之諮詢與銷售。同時也為全美語幼稚園、全美語國小進口上百本Big Book(大書)及數學、自然、社會等科目之美國當地國小教材,還有數百本不同種類的幼稚園及兒童英語最新教學補充參考書以及最新的幼兒及兒童英語讀本、圖書館英語藏書。 成為您最好的學習選擇(Your BEST Choice)是優百科的努力目標。也祝福我們下一代將能享有優質生活,探索萬象百科。 Ur BEST International was established in 1998 to serve the needs of elementary English educational institutions. We now provide English educational materials to over 1000 establishments worldwide. We offer a wide variety of titles imported from the United States that are used in first-language environments with subjects including language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. We also offer hundreds of kindergarten and primary supplementary reference books as well as a library of English readers and teaching materials. Ur BEST strives to be the best choice on the market for quality English educational materials for children.
取德公司從1976年起,做金屬沖壓零件和塑膠射出的加工生產,直到1980年,本公司的業務逐漸穩定成長,也需要更多人力資源協助時,才慢慢增添設備以及人員擴編;直到1982年,改以製造生產腳輪的專業代工(OEM)為主要業務時,才扭轉了營運走向。 90年代初期,取德公司為了提昇自我競爭力而成立研發部門;自此開始,本公司的產品朝著建立自我品牌及研發專業腳輪的方向前進。 由於全球對高品質醫療的需求日增,本公司持續不斷研發新產品來因應;而高品質、高單價的腳輪產品更是本公司長期的研究目標:包括銷售於日本與美國市場的「PT車輪架(中華民國專利新式樣)」、「BB-TEK具定向及煞車功能之迴轉式車輪(中華民國專利新型)」及最新開發出的避震輪(suspension caster)也已獲得中華民國專利新型的「Futura車輪緩衝結構專利(美國發明專利;日本發明專利)」,及2008年申請通過美國專利的TT腳輪,而其中最新的避震輪設計也依據客戶特殊客製需求做調整修改,目前已著手進行訂單試產。 Catis had been manufacturing castors and wheels for three decades. During this period, besides supplying its clients worldwide with standard and customs made products, it also designs and produces parts for mobile equipments to the satisfaction of a demanding few. Naturally, none of these could have happened without its commitment in quality, and as a safe guard against substandard parts being used, routine testing to its products are carried out prior to their release into the market.
美商公司 Isola Group leads the market in the design and production of innovative base materials used as the foundation for printed circuit boards. For over two decades, Isola has been the preferred laminate supplier to the top performing PCB manufacturers, delivering high quality innovative solutions that minimize costs and cut manufacturing time.
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